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Please contact us even if you just need some advice or pointing in the right direction.



1. If you see dates for a Course or wish to give us what you would like to study and when send us an e-mail, phone us or text. Either use the contact details at the bottom of this page or go to the HELP button above.


2. We hope to answer you within 24 hours, but please take into account we may be sailing so give us a little time. Sometimes we are out of internet contact. If you get an oversees dialing code, text us if that helps with a contact number and/or e-mail address.


3. Once we've made contact and found out what your needs are, and we are able to help you we will e-mail a Booking Form and Joining Instructions back out to you requesting a deposit.


4. Once a deposit is received your booking is confirmed. We take cheque or BACS transfer for deposits and final payment by cheque, BACS transfer or Cash. Bank details will be on the Booking Form.


5. We understand that some courses/cruises may be booked at short notice so we will deal with payments/deposits as the circumstances prevail. RYA VHF Assessments are payments by cheque, credit card (payable to RYA) or cash. If you live local to us on IOW, why not call in (give us a ring first to check we are in) either to chat or seek advice or even collect Training Packs/Booking Forms or drop in Booking Forms/Deposits etc


6. We only hold your details (e-mail, address and tel number) while you are training with us and then we delete. We do not share your information with any other third parties.

Your Assessment, your name and Feedback Sheet we keep for 5 years.

Call us/Text us/Skype us :

+44(0) 7507 603033

+44(0) 7596 524442      or   or




The Barn, 10 Debourne Manor Drive,

Cowes. Isle of Wight.


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© 2014 by Uptown Sailing. Full and Comprehensive Joining Instructions are sent out on all Courses and/or Charters.


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